First of all, Welcome!
Why A place to pivot?
If you are reading this then I am not talking to myself, although that is a common occurrence in my life these days. Who am I kidding? I have always done it and apparently it is hereditary because both my children do it too. I am getting sidetracked, and if you stick around, you'll find I tend to do that. That is just one of many traits of mine that my mother says stems from a curious mind. Again I digress, so let's get back to the case in point.
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All about what we are all about
Want to get to know a little about me?
So! I am a mother, wife, friend and confidant, at least I hope so. I am a draftsman turned biologist, an artist, an amateur carpenter, and an avid DIY enthusiast. I love the outdoors and my garden. Who am I kidding? My husband is a landscaper and the garden is mostly his baby. I have ideas and input privileges but mostly it is he that's the one that makes them come to life.
We live on a organic farm - that is to say we rent there so it's not ours but we have space and love life out in the sticks.
I am lucky enough to have a large family that is close. We are an Italian family, well the stereo typical one. You know, extremely loud, hotblooded, with every kind of emotion you can think of surfacing each time we meet. We mostly spend our time together in the kitchen making and eating good food. We have drama and (did I mention we're loud?), we are in each other's business way too much. We fight and make up, and most of all if something happens to one of us everybody is there to help. But the kicker is, we don't come from lovely Italy.
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Diffrent folks diffrent strokes
Being green
What does that mean? There is no simple answer to that, unfortunately. If you are like me and want to do better, then I hope we can navigate this minefield together. I have the advantage of being a biologist, but that alone only gets you so far.
All things Food
I love baking & cooking. Love it! So I will share some of my favorite recipes, but food is so much more than cooking. We will also travel into the world of the old ways to preserve food like fermenting, pickling, curing, etc. which is actually good for you.
What is homesteading? Living off grid? It can mean that but in its essence It is living a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. In my mind you don't have to already be self-sufficient to be a homesteader (I most certainly am not). It's about the journey , people.